About the Links...

Please Note: Only the most recently posted links are shown initially. More links can be viewed by clicking on the categories at right.

Contained herein is a comprehensive list of websites that are related in some manner to the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Many of them came from Jay Rasmussen's excellent archive site.

They are included without much regard to the quality or the accuracy of the material presented and encompass the good, the bad and the ugly. I encourage readers to help raise the bar by contacting the content administrators of these sites to praise useful, well-presented and accurate material and/or to point out information that is inaccurate. I also encourage readers to
notify me of new or changed URLs.

Finally, I encourage all (newcomers and long-time fans) to join the
Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, the National Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Council, or your state's Bicentennial Council!