January 2019

Official Newsletter of the Oregon Chapter of the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation

President's Corner

President of the Oregon Chapter of the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation
Dear Chapter Members,

I am truly honored to be chosen as the new president of the Oregon Chapter of the LCTHF. I hope to do as well as our past president
Mark Johnson. We all owe him a big thank-you for his steadfast leadership over the last eight years. He has kept our chapter strong and made it a bright star in the Foundation and an example for other chapters to emulate”.

As your president, I want to keep us focused on our mission of
keepers of the story. In each of the successive President’s Message in this newsletter I hope to share a quote or passage from the journals that has special significance.

I want to start with the very last sentence of John Ordway’s journal, dated September 23, 1806:

drew out the canoes then the party all considerable much rejoiced that we have the Expedition Completed and now we look for boarding in Town and wait for our settlement and then we entend to return to our native homes to see our parents once more as we have been So long from them.

We often elevate members of the expedition to super-hero status. But this passage puts a humble human face to the members of the party as Sgt. Ordway turns his thoughts to home and family. In many respects they were just ordinary people like us who accomplished the extraordinary. So, too, our chapter has just completed an extraordinary effort hosting the Foundation’s annual meeting.

This is just one aspect of the expedition that makes it such a great story and relevant to today.

Your most humble and obedient servant,
Glen Kirkpatrick

Farewell from Mark Johnson

Dear Chapter Members,

New president Glen Kirkpatrick
honors outgoing president Mark
Johnson at the holiday dinner.

We had a great year in 2018, capped by the Annual Meeting in Astoria and our holiday celebration in Cascade Locks. As we enter 2019, I take on a new role as our chapter’s secretary.

I am truly proud of what we have accomplished together during my time as president, and I owe a big thanks to all of you who volunteered your time and talents to bring us to this point.

I am especially grateful to our board members who have helped guide us to become one of the largest, most stable and active chapters in the nation.

I encourage you all to continue the good work of trail stewardship and keeping the story alive, as I will do, in support of our new president,
Glen Kirkpatrick.

Thank you,
Mark Johnson

Photo Gallery Bookended by Annual Meetings

Visit or-lcthf.org/gallery to see over 2,000 images compiled into 84 individual event-based albums. Thank you, chapter photographers!

The Oregon Chapter’s website hosts an extensive photo gallery with 2,000+ images, from nearly every event held since 2005. It begins with the national foundation’s annual meeting that year, which we hosted in Portland, and runs through the annual meeting in 2018, which we hosted in Astoria. Chapter photographers— including John Montague, Mark Johnson,

Ted Kaye, and others—have contributed their talent and time to provide visitors with an entertaining record of chapter activities.

Wisdom of the Elders Celebrates 25 Years The board of directors and staff at Wisdom of the Elders, Inc., celebrated preserving the history, traditions, and culture of America’s Native American and Alaskan Native community

since 1993 with a dinner at Concordia University in November honoring founders Rose High Bear and Martin High Bear. Learn more at wisdomoftheelders.org.

Chapter Activities

Explore More!

Chapter volunteers on the L&CTH Foundation Annual Meeting team
assemble after the thank-you dinner in December 2018. Oregon
thanks all the Washington colleagues for their great help
Thelma Haggenmiller and Lyn Trainer lead Explore More!, a series of chapter trips which include a Lewis & Clark connection but also help members learn about other historical and cultural events that happened since that time.

Watch your mail and e-mail, and especially the chapter website for more information and details.

2018 National Meeting of the Foundation Excels

81% of attendees rated the meeting “one of the best” or “the best ever”!

Ellie and Larry McClure, the leadership team, welcome folks.

Tribal participation creates a meaningful experience for all.

Prof. Gary Moulton addresses the audience of over 200.

Oregon Chapter's Name Badges
Send $10 and your name (as you want it to appear), to Ellie McClure, 17760 S.W. Cheyenne Way, Tualatin, OR 97062 (Ellie.McClure@or-lcthf.org). Make checks payable to OR-LCTHF. (click the picture above to see a larger image.)

2019 Chapter Events

See the Events page for more details if available!

  • February 23, 1:00 PM: Beeswax Shipwreck talk at West Linn Public Library by Cameron La Follette, director of the Oregon Coast Alliance.


  • L&C military history in Oregon
  • Spirit Mountain Casino and Museum
  • Portland L&C campsites and commemorations
  • Camp Rilea archaeology
  • Ice Age Floods
  • Confluence sites



Glen Kirkpatrick '19
Vice President
Lyn Trainer ’20
Mark Johnson '19
Ellie McClure ’20
Alec Burpee ‘21
David Ellingson ‘20
Thelma Haggenmiller ‘19
Mary Johnson ‘21
Ted Kaye ‘19
Roger Wendlick ‘21
Ex Officio
Jon Burpee
Hannah Crummé
Larry McClure

Please contact Glen Kirkpatrick with interest in Chapter service.

About Our New President

New chapter president Glen Kirkpatrick’s interest in Lewis & Clark began in 1994 as he researched Clark’s Point of View on Tillamook Head. He has served on the chapter board since 2001, as a director, secretary, and VP. Trained as a geologist, he holds an MBA from the University of Portland and is retired from the Rail Division of the Oregon Department of Transportation. Glen is an avid outdoor enthusiast, enjoying wilderness travel by foot, kayak, and on horseback. He has kayaked the trail from Bonneville Dam to Fort Clatsop.

He lives with his wife, Paula Beck, in Molalla on a 10 acre farm with four horses, one dog & cat, and too many chickens to count.

Holiday Dinner and Volunteer Appreciation — December 2018

Capt. Tom Cramblett of the
Columbia River Sternwheeler
(and mayor of Cascade Locks)
illuminates the local history of
L&C and the Columbia..
The Chapter’s annual holiday celebration welcomed over 45 members to the Bridgeside Restaurant in Cascade Locks. The thank you dinner for volunteers who worked on the national foundation’s Annual Meeting in Astoria in October featured a tasty meal, interesting presentations, an auction, and a special musical performance.

In the business meeting, members voted by acclamation for a rearrangement of officers and directors. Most importantly,
Mark Johnson stepped down after 8 years as president (assuming the role of secretary) and longtime vice-president Glen Kirkpatrick was elected in his place.

During the evening, the core members of
The Meriwethers band performed L&C-themed songs, representatives of the Saltmakers presented Mike and Bev Carrick with a special memento recognizing their support of the 2018 encampment, a looping slideshow displayed Annual Meeting images, and Larry McClure thanked all the Annual Meeting volunteers.

Mark Johnson received a token of appreciation for his long service as chapter president; Mark Dahl, from Lewis & Clark College, described the “Corps of Discovery Online Atlas” project; and the captain of the Columbia River Sternwheeler, Tom Cramblett, delivered an engaging talk on Lewis & Clark on the middle Columbia. The traditional silent auction raised funds for chapter work.